S1 Episode 022 - Interview with Shakina Cooley - Creator of THE AFTERMATH
Shakina Cooley, the Creator of THE AFTERMATH, helps recently divorced and separated women shatter the stigma surrounding life after divorce by teaching the importance of self-awareness and self-love.
Shakina, a founding partner at A Women's World, runs a support group with her partners called Life After Divorce Support Group. You can register for one of her next groups by following this link ----> bit.ly/AWWDivorce
To learn more about Shakina:
- Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Shakina-225191365057839/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shakinacooley/
- Blog: https://sheshesaysblog.wordpress.com/
The PressPlay Lifestyle Inspired Podcast is a podcast that does interviews with people like Shakina on topics to help our listeners find the resources, tools, and support that they need to be their best-inspired self. Shakina's unique sense of humor and her authentic vulnerability will help women that are recently divorced or and separated find self-love again.